April 2, 2023

Make Your Girfriend Happy Now, So You Aren’t Asking How To Get Back With Your Ex Tomorrow

Are you afraid your girlfriend is about to leave you? You’ve seen the signs and you know she’s dissatisfied. Your love life is on the skids and you don’t have that close, relaxed relationship you had at the beginning. But, you still love her, maybe even more than you did a month ago. So, what are you going to do to keep her from looking for greener grass in some other bull’s pasture?…

Posted in Relationship Advice

Get Him To Call You Back!

Are you desperate to get your ex to return your messages, but nothing you try ever seems to get him to dial your number? Are there secret magic words you can use to get your ex to call you back?

It may sound hard to believe, but in fact there really is a seemingly magic formula that almost works as well as casting a spell to make your ex want to return your message.…

Posted in Relationship Advice

Looking for Knowledge About How To Get Your Ex Back

Marriage is difficult test for two adult people, who should break common life and learn to live together. In this case it’s impossible to avoid problems, but we should learn to be tolerant to each other if we want to live long happy family life together.…

Posted in Relationship Advice

How To Get Him Back: Seven Simple Rules Explained

1. Give yourself some time to process. Do not do anything to get him back instantly. I really like to write brainstorms to get my thoughts out so straight after a massive split up I doodle all of my thoughts down. This enables me to process everything in a visible way. If you do not give yourself this time to process you’ll be pondering it continually while doing other things.…

Posted in Relationship Advice

How to have a healthy relationship – The 5 Signs

How long have you been in your relationship? If you haven’t had much chance to see how a healthy, loving relationship works on a daily basis, taking some time to really study how to have a healthy relationship can give you a much better chance of having one yourself. There are lots of different styles of relationships that can work just fine, but all those successful relationship styles tend to have a few things in common.…

Posted in Relationship Advice

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Breaking up with someone is never easy. If you are adamant about getting your ex back, there are certain things you can try that may help. This video presents some step by step tips to get your ex girlfriend back.

Firstly, you should gain control over your feelings. When we are feeling distraught we often act out of emotion which may worsen the situation. Instead of chasing your ex girlfriend, you should confidently continue about your life showing no signs of weakness. This will confuse your ex partner and they will be drawn to you.…

Posted in Relationship Advice

How To Get Your Ex Back

In this video, Mark Thomas, relationship expert, teaches you how to get your ex back without being needy or desperate. The fact is, around 90% of all break ups can be reversed…if you know the steps you need to take to win back your ex.

The first step is to determine why exactly the breakup occurred. Of course you can’t go back into the past to change it but you can learn from the mistake and learn from it.…

Posted in Relationship Advice

Romantic gifts for a guy – Your shopping golden rule

Ladies, if you believe it to be cute, romantic and therefore cool, he will not. Simple as that.

Sure, your guy will make all the right noises, probably even use the gift because you bought it for him and he loves you, but he will almost definitely NOT truly like that cute romantic gift. Guys heads are just wired differently than womens’. Let me backtrack before I get assaulted in the Comments… cute and romantic gifts are great, when given to someone who will truly appreciate them and grasp the significance. But that someone is probably not your guy. Choosing …

Posted in Relationship Advice

How to Change Your Feelings About Anything That Stops You

I had a conversation with a friend the other day.

I was struggling with how I was feeling about a particular situation. My feelings were strong and I was making choices based on these feelings that I didn’t like very much. This kept happening over and over and I was starting to get frustrated with myself. I was starting to feel like a butterfly captured in a net.…

Posted in Relationship Advice

Understanding men – Men need space

Imagine how you would act if you would be home alone. Now imagine how he would act if he would be alone. And now draw an imaginary red line between your life and his life. We will be speaking a lot about this red line later on when we talk about saving or keeping a relationship. But already now you should know that everything about your relationship takes place on this red line or in its area. It is all about how deep you penetrate his territory or how far he goes into yours. Sometimes it only takes the understanding …

Posted in Relationship Advice